The Haberdashery Hunt
by Angela. Dorcas and I set off at 8am on an October morning to find the TFSR headquarters in Southampton. We were packed to the gunnels and even managed to squeeze in another box once we had occupied the car seats. Here is the list of what we had in the car:- 13 sewing machines
- 2 large shopping bags of sewing patterns
- 1000 bamboo knitting needles
- 1000 bamboo loop knitting needles
- 4 black bags of wool
- 3 black bags of material
- 1 shopping bag of buttons
- 1 shopping bag of sewing threads / embroidery threads
- 1 bag of zips
- I bag of press studs
- 1 small bag of crochet hooks
- I mixed bag of ribbon / lace / tape and bias binding