Tools for Self Reliance
All tools collected and refurbished by ToolsAbroad are either donated to Tools for Self Reliance, or are sold and the profits are given to Tools for Self Reliance. 80 pence in every £1 Tools for Self Reliance spends is invested in sustainable livelihoods projects. 20p is spent on essential support costs and raising the next pound.
The charity was launched in 1979 and works in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Malawi and Zambia. Successful partnerships have been formed with local organisations in these countries to deliver programmes of training to bring lasting benefits to tradespeople and their communities. On average, 90% of people who join a training course with Tools for Self Reliance complete the training, with 85% running a business and earning an increased income within six months of completion.
Tools for Self Reliance is a national charity (registration number: 280437) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (registration number: 01487630).
You can learn more about Tools for Self Reliance, and the fantastic work they do, by visiting their website, here.